My kids got sick, starting last Wed night. Then, I woke up sick Friday morning. Im still not up to par yet...Im thinking it is the flu. Here in OK, apparently, the flu did not really start showing up until the end of Feb, beginning of March this year (according to a ped. dr on a local news channel I saw yesterday morning). So, I have been absent the past few days from my blog. Im thinking you don't want to hear my mindless rambles....well, I guess you read those all the about my sick, mindless rambles-lol!
I finished my goals last week-finished them early because my hubby actually helped! I wished I would have gotten a pic of my stove before he got to it...he always cleans my stove much nicer than I do...but he only does it every 5 years or so-lol! Then, he rearranged some things on my counters...Im not too sure I like the way he did it, but I will leave it this way for a bit :) He was trying to be sweet and I want him to know I appreciate the effort ;) Atleast my counters got nice and clean at the same time (they were not that bad-really-im not that messy of a momma!! but they did need a quick wipe down-and he even cleaned out the toaster :)
I remember my goal for this week was to start planting some seeds indoors...well, if I feel better, I will get to that, but I am going to rest this week. Im weak-kneed and nauseaus (I know that is spelled wrong, but I do not feel like looking it up right now :) and I am going to get better because I know my family needs me ;)
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3 hours ago
Any idea what you're sick with? One of my daughters has been sick with just about everything lately, bless her heart! She just got over a 5 day vomit deal followed by consitpation and now has either strep throat or pharangytis. Two words: Hand Sanitizer! haha
Hope you and your family get well soon. I'm praying for my daughter's health. I have a free coupon class to teach next week!
Gosh, I am really thinking we have the flu here. The kids are all better except for lingering cough. I am still weak-ish and have a cough.
I hope your daughter feels better soon! She must be really worn out!
I will keep your daughter uplifted in prayer too!!
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