Sunday, December 7, 2008

Goal Setting Saturday

Well, I met one goal this week-almost. We have been fighting a nasty virus here-started before Thanksgiving with one of my kids and has gradually hit each of us. Im still feeling full of snot in my head-lol-and it is not fun!

But, I did get to work on one gift for one of my kids-I was able to get most of a nightgown for an American Girl. I will post a pic as soon as I can wrestle my rechargeable batteries from my hubby who is using them in his flashlight :) Did I mention I found the batteries, after thinking they had been thrown away? Yup :) Then, DH took them -oh sigh-

I think this week I am going to take it easy-perhaps work on more sewing, but I need to just heal from this cold and not worry about sewing, cleaning, etc... we will do school work and the everyday chores. Hopefully I will be back to a new challange next week :)


Traci @ The Bakery said...

or, you could get a migraine like me and HAVE to completely shut down....I'm nursing the "bruise" today.....gag.

I hope you get to feeling better soon.

OkieDebbie said...

Oh man! I hope you are feeling better today! Migraines are no fun either!!