Sunday, August 24, 2008

Haven't posted for awhile-for good reasons

I haven't posted for awhile-and with a good excuse. My oldest daughter has been having eye pain in her left eye-not around the eye but actually inthe eyeball. We had her checked out for this back in May, but I had her rechecked a few weeks ago. The newest dr requested she have an MRI. Then, at her eye check up the next week, the Optomitrist saw elevated, or swollen, optic nerve heads and requested the MRI be done quickly. It was done the following Monday and the results were normal-praise God, she is fine :) We are still heading to an Opthamologist to discuss the eye pain and see if there is something that still needs to be treated as this is quite painful for her and has no real reason for setting off the eye pains.
Anyway, that all kept me busy and kept my thoughts for the past few weeks. It's funny how when we face things like this, it is SO hard to give it to the Lord and let go of it. We fret and worry and wring our hands-the whole time never thinking to just hand it over. My mom used to tell me to not go fishing for those problems. Throw them out in the sea and let the Lord wash them, rinse them and just take care of them. I always tried to picture myself throwing that problem out into a huge ocean, watching it fly through the air, and *plop* there is would land way out in the water....of course, then as I started to worry again, I could picture myself with a big ol' fishin' pole, with hook and bait, trying to catch that problem again to take care of myself. Why? I know God is mightier than me. I think it is a Steven Curtis Chapman song that say something about God is God and I am just man...He is so mighty and already has those things bothering us under control. He already knows the plans He has for us, what issues we will face in our lives and hwo to best deal with them. We don't....
Ok, so I say all this, will I remember this next time I have a trial to face--probably not. It's so easy to tell this to others, than to do it yourself. Practice What You Preach-yes, practice it. Practicing is doing something over and over until you accomplish what you set out to do. You practiced riding that bike without help until you could take off without falling. You practiced baking until that first cake came out so yummy you almost ate it all by yourself! You practiced that sheet music until you got every note perfect. One day, it won't take practice to let God have complete control over all aspects of my life-I won't worry or fret and I will just hand it over and let go-or throw it into that sea and not grab that long stick to fish it back out ;)
It's also nice to be able to depend on a few close friends-those you know will stand in faith with you that all will be well. Who will uplift you in prayer. Who will support you and listen to you vent again about whatever-lol! It's also nice when you know you can do the same for them when they need it ;) I have a few special friends like that and it means the world to me to be blessed with such special people in my life!

1 comment:

Traci @ The Bakery said...

I am soooooo glad all is well. I will pray for the diagnosis to be found on the pain. I get migraines and that is enough for me....ick. Give her a hug and a lot of tylenol.