Did you know SwagBucks has coupons you can print. They are connected with Coupons.com but when you print them from SB, you can get 10 points for each coupon you redeem at the store! Great deal, especially if you use Coupons.com like I do for most of your coupons!
If you are not signed up with SwagBucks, I highly recommend it! I have redeemed many rewards through them-PayPal money, lots of Amazon.com gift cards, etc... Last year, by using Swags, I was able to get quite a few things for Christmas with my points, turned into rewards :) You can sign up on your own, or, if you would like, you can sign up as one of my referrals, and I will get points when you get points (the payback would be greatly appreciated ;). It's easy to earn, all you do is use them for your websearches. If you get on their FB page, you can learn about other ways to earn points. And, now, as I mentioned above, you can earn points with your printable coupons!
Happy Swagging ;)
2025 New Years Decorations Kit
2 hours ago
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